“Resistencias Mestizas”, to fight together

RM_ResistenzeMeticce is a new project that aims at keeping together struggles and mutualism in the sphere of migrants’ rights in Rome.

Go to Italian version

Migrants arriving in our city, if the sea doesn’t kill them before, and have a right to decent reception. Migrants “crossing” Italy with Europe in their minds, dreaming of making it to other countries and actively trying to do so. Italians who are considered migrants because the law denies them citizenship. Workers exposed to greater exploitation because they are migrants. Migrants who stay here, at least for a while, and have a right to live with dignity, just as any of us – precarious people, students, unemployed of the third millennium, struggling every day of our lives for a different and better present and future.

RM_RestistenzeMeticce wishes to keep together the need to rise up against unfair, often outrageous, living conditions and the capacity to build, on a daily basis, new forms of mutualism through free, open services accessible by all: Italian classes, legal aid and counselling, labour organizing to protect workers rights, health care guidance and social clinics, training courses, social events. We are a number of collectives already active in various spaces in the city of Rome. We will try to get together and be there wherever a desire to rebel and fight for freedom emerges, wherever rights must be demanded and dignity reclaimed. Together, migrants and long-term residents. Together, and mixed.

Who we are, what we do, where to find us:

Csoa Sans Papiers (viale Carlo Felice, 69a) & S.Cu.P. (via Nola 5)
Italian Classes >> Monday – Friday 6 pm – 8 pm

ESC Atelier Autogestito (via dei Volsci 159)
ESCOOL Italian School >> Wednesday – Thursday, 6 pm -8 pm
Legal Aid >> Tuesday 6-8 pm

Lab! Puzzle (Via Monte Meta 21)
Italian classes >> Monday-Tuesday-Thursday 8:30 pm -10 pm
FB: Puzzle Welfareinprogress

Strike Spazio Pubblico Autogestito (Via Umberto Partini 21)
Italian Classes >> Tuesday – Thursday 7:30 pm – 9 pm
Legal Aid >> Tuesday 6 pm – 9 pm
Driving License Classes (preparation for written test) >> Tuesday-Thursday 7:30 pm – 9 pm
Ambulanti / Health Care Guidance >> Tuesday-Thursday 7 pm – 9 pm
FB: Yo Migro
FB: Ambu lanti